Bitterness blinds you.
Bitterness cripples you.
Bitterness defiles you.
You never see anything good in others. It hinders you from making a head way. At least not beyond those you are bitter against.
It contaminates you. Someone describes it as taking poison and expecting another to die. It is true.
Bitterness is a killer.
Sometimes the root cause is jealousy. You just can’t stand the success of others. If not dealt with it graduates to bitterness.
Meanwhile if you decide to be genuinely pleased and grateful for other people’s success, you can indeed set the context right for yours. There are siblings bitter towards other siblings. Spouses towards their spouses. Ministers bitter towards other ministers. Brethren towards other brethren. And the truth of the matter is bitterness may cause or pose more delay and hindrance to breaking through than demons and devils. May the Lord give us understanding and help us.

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