Constantly remind yourself to never get caught up in what other people are posting on social media. Social media is an easy way to stay connected but there’s so much disconnecting as well. Be mindful of this. It’s not hard to fall into a place with yourself where you feel like you’re not doing enough, saying enough, posting enough, advancing fast enough, etc. Comparison often times kills confidence.

Please remember that not everyone is posting their failures, struggles and setbacks. This is not to knock those who only post their wins and accomplishments in any way. Reassure yourself that where you are and what you’re doing is enough because the only competition you’re in is with your old self. We grow, we change, we love a little more, we love a little less and put it somewhere else. This is what life is about. Learning through and through after every fall and climb.

We all move at our won pace and God has a plan for each of us. Work hard while God works on you and it will all workout. If you’re going through a time where you can’t remind yourself of this…then your friends should be. If your friends aren’t…then you need new friends, better friends. If you can’t find those friends then don’t go looking, let them come to you but if you’re going to keep anything around, keep faith through every storm.

Continue to be patient on this journey. It’s not about the “end goal”. The “end goal” will motivate you to get up everyday and try….but it’s the now that makes the “end goal” feel so good when that day comes. The last thing you want to do is look back and wash you didn’t live within the moment and feel everything you could when you could of. So feel. Feel everything, good or bad because that’s proof that you’re alive and on this journey…that’s blessings before any other blessing to come.

Much Love 💗 From Sophia’s Motivation

2 Comments Add yours

  1. minaki says:

    Indeed, Thank you Sophia for sharing. Our life is an endurance race not a reach first race.


    1. You’re welcome Minaki. Thanks for reading, i really appreciate.

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